Tüüriaeru kinnitusklotsid / The attachment blocks for the steeroar
Tüüriaer kinnitub oma kohale / The steeroar is being placed
Pingid valmivad / The rowbenches are prepared
Saabus laevatreiler / The shiptrailer arrived
Viimased sisetööd / Last minute work
Aeruaugud on puuritud / Oarholes have been drilled
Saabusid laeva täävikujud / The bow and aft statues arrived
Palju abi oli viimasel ettevalmistusnädalal Ummist / Ummi was the crucial help for us during the final week
Aerud / Oars
Laev lahkub laevakojast / The ship is leaving the shiphouse
Esimene sõit enne ametlikku veeskamispidu / The first ride before the official launchparty
Laev on tagasi kodus / Ship is back home