Tööprotsess on samasugune nagu iidsetel aegadel. Uuristasime poolemeetrisesse jäässe postiaugu ja ajasimme sinna sisse otsast teritatud palgi. Palgi sisserammimiseks aga konstrueerisime lihtsa raamiga teisaldatava raske paku, mida kasutasimegi vasarana. Jääst turritama jäänud postiotsad sidusime esialgu vaid ristipalkidega. Enne jää minekut lisame veel mõned diagonaaltoed jms.
The Paunküla lake is frozen in February. This is the perfect time to build the new harbour, as the ice provides a sturdy footing to ram the posts into the lakebottom. The new harbour will have a much bigger pier.
The process hasnt really changed from viking age. We made holes in the half-meter thick ice and put the sharpened logs in there. We used a heavy treestump suspended on a simple movable frame as the ram. The posts were further adjoined with crossbeams. Before the ice melts, we will add additional beams.
Lihtsa raamiga ramm, millega me poste rammisime.
The frame ram we used to sink the posts deep into the lakebottom
Ilm oli ... talvine.
The weather was ... winterish
Teine rida poste on vasakul jääs püsti, esimene rida (paremal) on juba sisse rammitud.
Second row (left) of posts are placed in the ice, first row (right) is already rammed into place
Uus laevasild tuleb üsna pikk.
The new pier is going to be quite long.
Käib ristipalkide paigaldamine.
The crossbeams are being placed
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