Mar 17, 2013

"Kilbid pardale!" / "Shields to the board!"

"Äge" saab sel kevadel endale kilbikinnitused. Viikingilaevade kujutised muinasajast ei anna meile täpset infot, mismoodi meresõitjad oma kilpe laevapardale kinnitasid, küll aga on selle probleemi kallal tänapäeval juba enne "Äget" pead murtud ja seega on meil üsna palju eeskujusid.

"Äge" will get shieldfittings in the spring. The images of viking ships don't give as an exact method on how did the ancient sailors secure their shield to the ships sides, but modern replicas have worked on the problem for long time before "Äge", so we can deduct from their work.

Näiteks / For example links:

Peter Beatson

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