We planned to take Äge for one last sailing this Saturday, but because of the nasty weather we took her out of the lake and had our season final feaston dry land.
Austrvegr Selts MTÜ viikinglaev Kiruveres, Paunküla veehoidlal. Kontakt: agelaev@kiruvere.ee
Oct 27, 2013
Äge talvekorterisse / Äge to winter quarters
Plaanisime sel laupäeval teha Ägega viimase sõidu, kuid vastiku ilma tõttu võtsime ta kohe hommikul järvest välja ja pidasime hooajalõpu maha kuival maal.
We planned to take Äge for one last sailing this Saturday, but because of the nasty weather we took her out of the lake and had our season final feaston dry land.
We planned to take Äge for one last sailing this Saturday, but because of the nasty weather we took her out of the lake and had our season final feaston dry land.
Oct 21, 2013
Kuidas viikingid navigeerisid / How Vikings navigated the world
Artikkel kuidas käis viikingiaegne navigatsioon.
An article about the viking age navigation
An article about the viking age navigation
Oct 4, 2013
Viikingite jäljed Kanadas / Traces of Vikings in Canada
Paljude Põhja-Ameerika põlisrahvaste leidude hoolikam uurimine on avastanud jälgi skandinaavia meresõitjatest. Kedratud lõngajupid, puit- ja kiviesemed ning rauajäljed leiukohtades ei sobi tollaste põlisrahvaste arheoloogiaga, vaid tõendavad skandinaavia päritolu eurooplaste kohalolu sajandeid enne Kolumbust.
Kohalikud põlisrahvad ei kasutanud kedratud tekstiili, terituskive ega raudnaelaaukudega puitesemeid, kuid ometi leidub selliseid esemeid Kanada arheoloogilises materjalis üllatavalt palju.
Artikkel National Geographicus
A closer examination of many archaeological finds from North American natives show evidence of skandinavian explorers. Woven yarn, wood- and stone objects and traces of iron in finds doesn't fit with the native cultures, but isntead testify the precense of scandinavian europeans centuries before Columbus.
Local cultures did not use yarn, whetstones nor wooden materials with nailholes, but still these are found in many sites in Canada.
Article in National Geographic
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