Austrvegr Selts MTÜ viikinglaev Kiruveres, Paunküla veehoidlal. Kontakt:
Jun 25, 2012
Kiruvere Muinaslaager 2012
Ülimalt tähtis asjaolu, erakordne ülesanne kutsub teid modernse elu varjulisest rüpest, paastu ja palve juurest maailma minema, et teisel viisil meie issandat teenida.
Levitage alljärgnevat informatsiooni!
Vaenlaste ja sõprade seas, maa all ja maa peal.
Kui see teil õnnestub, siis ehk jumal annab teile andeks, et te kõik olete muinashullud, ajaloofanaatikud, taaskehastajad, kultuuripärandi propageerijad, õppinud tarkpead!
Extraordinary assignment calls you from the protective bosom of the modern comforts to send you into the wide world.
Spread this information!
Among the friends and among the enemies. Spread this under the land and over the land. If you succeed... Then maybe God will forgive you that you are all history fanatics, re-enactors, supporters of cultural heritage, learnt wisemen!
Jun 24, 2012
Pööripäeva laevaehitus / Midsommers shipbuilding
Ekstraordinaarselt vihmane jaaninädalavahetus möödus jälle laeva kallal nokitsedes. Tavapärasele seltskonnale lisaks oli laevakaari nikerdamas ka Indrek, kes ühtlasi nikerdab laevale uhkeid täävikujusid.
Extremeley rainy weekend was spent again working on the ship. In addition to regular crew, Indrek also helped setting the arcs. He is also the master who is making the bow and aft statues for the ship.
Extremeley rainy weekend was spent again working on the ship. In addition to regular crew, Indrek also helped setting the arcs. He is also the master who is making the bow and aft statues for the ship.
Inspektorid tegutsemas / Inspectors in action
Kuna fotograafid on laisad inimesi pildistama ja laev ei huvita enam kedagi, siis on fotoalbumid täis pilte loomadest. Laevakass Murka hoiab laevaehitusel hoolsalt silma peal.
As photographers are lazy to take pictures of people and the ship has bored everybody, the folders are filled with pictures of animals. Shipcat Murka is closely following the progress.
Murka tegemistel hoiab omakorda hoolsalt silma peal tema ema Juula. / Murka is in turn closely watched by his mother Juula.
As photographers are lazy to take pictures of people and the ship has bored everybody, the folders are filled with pictures of animals. Shipcat Murka is closely following the progress.
Murka tegemistel hoiab omakorda hoolsalt silma peal tema ema Juula. / Murka is in turn closely watched by his mother Juula.
Jun 21, 2012
Külas kooliõpilased / Visiting schoolchildren
Meie väike projekt on kogunud tuntust ja nii käisid meil külas laeva uudistamas Erakool "Läte" kolmanda klassi õpilased.
Our little project has gathered some attention and so we were visited by third graders of private school "Läte".
Our little project has gathered some attention and so we were visited by third graders of private school "Läte".
Jun 12, 2012
Meeskond täieneb / Crew is expanding
Tööga rahule jäänud, võttis Murka sisse oma tavapärase koha laevakoja katuse all, kust avaneb hea ülevaade / Satisfied with the work, Murka took his usual spot under the shiphouse roof, where he has a good overview.
Põhjus, miks Murkale meeldib olla töötavast lihtrahvast veidi kõrgemal - tuntud ka kui laevakoer Notsu / Reason why Murka likes to be higher than the working masses - also known as shipdog Notsu
Jun 11, 2012
Autogramme jagatakse lähiajal. Fännidel palun moodustada korralik järjekord ja mitte trügida.
Autographs will be handed out soon. Fans are to form an orderly line and are encouraged to keep the rioting to a minimum.
Autogramme jagatakse lähiajal. Fännidel palun moodustada korralik järjekord ja mitte trügida.
Autographs will be handed out soon. Fans are to form an orderly line and are encouraged to keep the rioting to a minimum.
Jun 10, 2012
"Pilu ei ole!" / "There is no slit!"
Nädalavahetuse laevaehituses oli mitmeid meeleolukaid folkloorimomente, mis momentaalselt kinnistusid kohalikku rahvapärimusse. Tegelesime aerulaudade ja raiserite paikakinnitamisega ning kaarte väljatahumisega.
Laevaehitaja loogika.
Veeta mitu pingelist kuud laevakeret võimalikult vettpidavaks ja tihedaks tehes. Veeta veel mitu pingelist ja toimekat päeva viimaseidki auke ja pragusid tihtides, puuduvaid neete tagudes ja laevakeret viimistledes. Puhastada laev seest hoolikalt ära.
Siis imetleda oma kätetööd, võtta 20mm läbimõõduga puur ja lasta laevakerest läbi paarkümmend auku, täites laeva seest puusodiga.
Taas imetleda oma kätetööd ja siis uuesti asuda laevakeret puhastama, tihtima, määrima ja muidu veekindlaks muutma.
Raiserid ehk floorid on siis jämedad klotsid, mis laeva keskel moodustavad kaarte põhjad. Raiserid kinnitatakse kere külge tammiste naaglitega, mille jaoks oligi vaja laev auklikuks lasta. Naagli otsa kinnitamiseks oli neisse vaja saagida pilu ja lüüa sinna tammised kiilud. Lihtne aga väga tõhus kinnitusviis. Aerulauad on parda keskele laevaparda siseküljele kinnitatavad lisalauad, mis muudavad parda aeruaukude kohalt vastupidavamaks. Meie kasutasime kahte pikka tammelauda.
Weekends shipbuidling had many interesting moments, that immediately attached themselves to local folklore. We were dealing with oarboards and raisers as well as making the arcs.
Shipbuilders logic.
Spend several months making the ships hull as watertight as possible. Spend several more days plugging every hole and missing rivet, to make sure there are absolutely no holes in the hull.
Clean the ship thoroughly.
Admire your handywork, then take 20mm drill and make two dozen holes through the ships hull, filling the entire ship with debries and dust.
Again admire your handywork and start cleaning, plugging and making the hull watertight again.
Raisers or floors are those sturdy blocks, that form the bottom of the arcs in the middle of the ship. Raisers are attached with oaken nagels or plugs, for which we had to make the holes. To fix the plugs ends, we sawed slits and put oaken wedges. Simple but very effective method.
Oarboards are added to the inside of the topmost boards of the hull, where they support the oarholes. We used two long oakplanks.
Põnevat momenti jäädvustas tundmatu paparatso / The moment was also photographed by unknown paparazzi
Laevaehitaja loogika.
Veeta mitu pingelist kuud laevakeret võimalikult vettpidavaks ja tihedaks tehes. Veeta veel mitu pingelist ja toimekat päeva viimaseidki auke ja pragusid tihtides, puuduvaid neete tagudes ja laevakeret viimistledes. Puhastada laev seest hoolikalt ära.
Siis imetleda oma kätetööd, võtta 20mm läbimõõduga puur ja lasta laevakerest läbi paarkümmend auku, täites laeva seest puusodiga.
Taas imetleda oma kätetööd ja siis uuesti asuda laevakeret puhastama, tihtima, määrima ja muidu veekindlaks muutma.
Raiserid ehk floorid on siis jämedad klotsid, mis laeva keskel moodustavad kaarte põhjad. Raiserid kinnitatakse kere külge tammiste naaglitega, mille jaoks oligi vaja laev auklikuks lasta. Naagli otsa kinnitamiseks oli neisse vaja saagida pilu ja lüüa sinna tammised kiilud. Lihtne aga väga tõhus kinnitusviis. Aerulauad on parda keskele laevaparda siseküljele kinnitatavad lisalauad, mis muudavad parda aeruaukude kohalt vastupidavamaks. Meie kasutasime kahte pikka tammelauda.
Weekends shipbuidling had many interesting moments, that immediately attached themselves to local folklore. We were dealing with oarboards and raisers as well as making the arcs.
Shipbuilders logic.
Spend several months making the ships hull as watertight as possible. Spend several more days plugging every hole and missing rivet, to make sure there are absolutely no holes in the hull.
Clean the ship thoroughly.
Admire your handywork, then take 20mm drill and make two dozen holes through the ships hull, filling the entire ship with debries and dust.
Again admire your handywork and start cleaning, plugging and making the hull watertight again.
Raisers or floors are those sturdy blocks, that form the bottom of the arcs in the middle of the ship. Raisers are attached with oaken nagels or plugs, for which we had to make the holes. To fix the plugs ends, we sawed slits and put oaken wedges. Simple but very effective method.
Oarboards are added to the inside of the topmost boards of the hull, where they support the oarholes. We used two long oakplanks.
Põnevat momenti jäädvustas tundmatu paparatso / The moment was also photographed by unknown paparazzi
Jun 4, 2012
Sisetööd / Inner workings
Möödunud nädalavahetus tabas meid jälle laeva kallal. Mõned märksõnad: kaarešabloonid, needid, punnid. Eriti tublid meist jõudsid ka Vanalinnapäevadel osaleda. Märksõnaks kollane peakate.
Ainult esimesed kaks kaart ahtris ja vööris on puhtakujulised kaared. Keset laeva moodustavad kaarealused jämedad tammeblokid - raiserid, mille peale tekib hiljem laevapõrand. Esimesed kaared said valmis, nüüd tuleb kokku liita ja paika sättida raiserid ja kaared.
Last weekend caught us working on the ship again. Some key words: arcpatterns, rivets, plugs. The best of us managed to take part in Old Town Days. Keyword: yellow bandana.
Only the first two arcs from fore and aft are cleancut arcs. In the middle of the ship, the arcbottoms are made out of heavy oak blocks - raisers, onto which the shipfloor will be made later. First arcs are ready, now we must fit them in and join raisers and arcs together.
Kaarte väljalõikamine / Cutting the arcs
Kaarte sobitamine / Fitting the arcs
Mingid inimesed / Some completely random people
Esimene tass kohvi "laevadekil" / First cup of coffee on the "deck"
Ainult esimesed kaks kaart ahtris ja vööris on puhtakujulised kaared. Keset laeva moodustavad kaarealused jämedad tammeblokid - raiserid, mille peale tekib hiljem laevapõrand. Esimesed kaared said valmis, nüüd tuleb kokku liita ja paika sättida raiserid ja kaared.
Last weekend caught us working on the ship again. Some key words: arcpatterns, rivets, plugs. The best of us managed to take part in Old Town Days. Keyword: yellow bandana.
Only the first two arcs from fore and aft are cleancut arcs. In the middle of the ship, the arcbottoms are made out of heavy oak blocks - raisers, onto which the shipfloor will be made later. First arcs are ready, now we must fit them in and join raisers and arcs together.
Kaarte väljalõikamine / Cutting the arcs
Kaarte sobitamine / Fitting the arcs
Mingid inimesed / Some completely random people
Esimene tass kohvi "laevadekil" / First cup of coffee on the "deck"
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