Oleme siin vahepeal laevaga mitu korda järvel käinud. Purjetamine hakkab vaikselt sujuma ja mõtted kipuvad vägisi mere peale.
We have been several times on the lake with the ship. Our sailing skills are slowly getting better and thoughts are often turning towards the sea.
Austrvegr Selts MTÜ viikinglaev Kiruveres, Paunküla veehoidlal. Kontakt: agelaev@kiruvere.ee
Aug 27, 2012
Aug 20, 2012
Teine purjetus, seekord päris tuulega / Second sailing, this time with actual wind
Taasiseseisvuspäeval sai uuesti veidi purjetatud ja seekord oli tõepoolest ka tuult. Veehoidlal keerutav tuul sattus juba osavamini Äge purjesse ja tõukas meie laeva edasi kiirusega maksimaalselt 5,1 sõlme ehk umbes 9,4 km/h. Lihtsa raapurjega laeva kohta saab Äget juhtida üllatavalt terava nurga all külgtuulde ja purjetada saab ka peaaegu et vastutuules. Aerutööst kahjuks ei pääse, sest veehoidlal keerutav tuul siiski igatpidi ei puhu.
On the day of restoration of independence we sailed again and this time there was actual wind. The wind blowing on the Paunküla water reservoir got caught more often in Äges sail and pushed our ship forward at a maximum speed of 5,1 knots or 9,4 km/h. For a ship with such a simple sail Äge can be led into the wind at a surprisingly sharp angle and sailing can be done almost against the wind. Oarwork is mandatory unfortunately as the wind doesnt blow in every direction.
Aerud üles, puri tuulde ja minek! / Oars up, sail into the wind and lets go!
Valge asi pildinurkades on tuulest pungil puri / The white thing on the corners is the windfilled sail
Anti valvab et brassidel ja sootidel ei logeletaks, vaid tehtaks tööd / Anti is guarding that the people on the rigging would not be lazy
On the day of restoration of independence we sailed again and this time there was actual wind. The wind blowing on the Paunküla water reservoir got caught more often in Äges sail and pushed our ship forward at a maximum speed of 5,1 knots or 9,4 km/h. For a ship with such a simple sail Äge can be led into the wind at a surprisingly sharp angle and sailing can be done almost against the wind. Oarwork is mandatory unfortunately as the wind doesnt blow in every direction.
Aerud üles, puri tuulde ja minek! / Oars up, sail into the wind and lets go!
Valge asi pildinurkades on tuulest pungil puri / The white thing on the corners is the windfilled sail
Anti valvab et brassidel ja sootidel ei logeletaks, vaid tehtaks tööd / Anti is guarding that the people on the rigging would not be lazy
Aug 19, 2012
Veel pilte esimesest purjetusest / More photos from the first sailing
Ahtris on alati lõbus olla / Its always fun to be in the aft
"Noh Vares tee tuult või midagi" / "So Vares make some wind or something"
Taskulahingukoer Daisy / Pocketbattlehound Daisy
Vaikne tuul tähendas tööd aerudele / Quiet wind meant work for the oars
"Noh Vares tee tuult või midagi" / "So Vares make some wind or something"
Taskulahingukoer Daisy / Pocketbattlehound Daisy
Vaikne tuul tähendas tööd aerudele / Quiet wind meant work for the oars
Aug 18, 2012
Äge meedias / Äge in media
Meie esimene seilamine sai veidi ka meediakajastust Õhtulehes / Our first sailing got some media attention from Õhtuleht
Aug 12, 2012
Esimene purjetus / First sailing
Esimene purjetus meie viikinglaevaga on seljataga. Äge kannab nüüd masti ja purje. Tänane ilm veehoidlal oli küll harukordselt tuulevaikne, kuid paaril korral õnnestus natukene tuult ka purjesse püüda ja mõnuga mööda veepinda liuleda. Ootame juba kannatamatult järgmist võimalust!
Tänud kõigile sõpradele, abilistele, vabatahtlikele meeskonnaliikmetele ja teistele toetajatele!
First sailing with our viking ship is done. Äge now carries a mast and a sail. Today was very quiet day, but couple of times we did manage to cathc some wint into the sail and glide along the water. We are all already waiting for another chance!
Thanks for all our friends, helpers, volunteer crewmen and other supporters!
Järvelevedamiseks valmis / Ready for haul
Aini Chevy on sellisteks vedudeks asendamatu / Ains Chevy is irreplacable for such hauls
Laeva veeskamine / Launching the ship
Väike vahepeatus Paunküla kalastusbaasi kai ääres / Halfway stop at the Paunküla fishing base
Veidikene saime purje sisse isegi tuult / Some wind was caught in the sail
Vana viikingite tarkus oli laevareisile kaasa võtta Vares, kui see laeva tagasi tuli, oli maa veel kaugel / It was an old viking custom to take a crow (Vares in estonian) with them on a voyage, when the crow returned to the ship the land was still far away.
Niisiis lubage esitleda viikinglaev "Äge" / Allow us to introduce viking ship "Äge"
Mitmeotstarbeline ledung-laev, ehitatud laevameister Anti Kreemi juhendamisel 2011-2012 Kiruveres Harjumaal Austrvegr Seltsi ja meie sõprade töökate kätega tammest, ebatsuugast, männist ja lehisest.
Universal ledung-ship, built in 2011-2012 in Kiruvere Harjumaa under the guidance of Anti Kreem and by Austrvegr Society and our friends from oak, douglas fir, pine and larix.
Veel mikromeetriga kinnitamata andmetel 11,6 m pikk ja 2,8 m lai / length overall 11,6 m and beam 2,8 m
Liikumapanev jõud peitub 12 aerus / Propulsion by 12 oars
Mast 8 m, linane raapuri ~30 ruutmeetrit / Also carries a 8 m high mast with a roughly 30 squermetres large linen sail.
Tänud kõigile sõpradele, abilistele, vabatahtlikele meeskonnaliikmetele ja teistele toetajatele!
First sailing with our viking ship is done. Äge now carries a mast and a sail. Today was very quiet day, but couple of times we did manage to cathc some wint into the sail and glide along the water. We are all already waiting for another chance!
Thanks for all our friends, helpers, volunteer crewmen and other supporters!
Järvelevedamiseks valmis / Ready for haul
Aini Chevy on sellisteks vedudeks asendamatu / Ains Chevy is irreplacable for such hauls
Laeva veeskamine / Launching the ship
Nagu tavaliselt oli tähelepanu keskpunktis Vares / As usual Vares was the center of attention
Sõudjad said purje heiskamisel isegi veidi hinge tõmmata / Rowers could even rest a bit when we hoisted the sail
Veidikene saime purje sisse isegi tuult / Some wind was caught in the sail
Vares mastis, kus siis veel / Vares on the mast, where else
Niisiis lubage esitleda viikinglaev "Äge" / Allow us to introduce viking ship "Äge"
Mitmeotstarbeline ledung-laev, ehitatud laevameister Anti Kreemi juhendamisel 2011-2012 Kiruveres Harjumaal Austrvegr Seltsi ja meie sõprade töökate kätega tammest, ebatsuugast, männist ja lehisest.
Universal ledung-ship, built in 2011-2012 in Kiruvere Harjumaa under the guidance of Anti Kreem and by Austrvegr Society and our friends from oak, douglas fir, pine and larix.
Veel mikromeetriga kinnitamata andmetel 11,6 m pikk ja 2,8 m lai / length overall 11,6 m and beam 2,8 m
Liikumapanev jõud peitub 12 aerus / Propulsion by 12 oars
Mast 8 m, linane raapuri ~30 ruutmeetrit / Also carries a 8 m high mast with a roughly 30 squermetres large linen sail.
Aug 9, 2012
"Tööd mis on vaja teha" / "Work that needs to be done"
Laevale on valmimas põrand / Ship is getting a floor
Viimased kaared sees / Last arcs are set
Laeva küljeli keeramine / Turning the ship
Tallaraud / Iron reinforcment for the keel
Vahepeal veidi lollusi / Some idiocy in between
Esimest korda on mast päriselt püsti / Mast is hoisted for real for the first time
Ka laevakoer Notsu aitas taglastust teha. Vähemalt enda arvates / Shipdog Notsu helped also to make the rigging. Well atleast he thought so.
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