May 21, 2012

Kui sind poleks siin, siis oleks laev juba valmis / If you weren't here the ship would be done already

Järjekordne nädalavahetus möödus hoogsas laevaehituses. Viimane planguring tuleb hästi sobitada, kuna jääb laeva pardaääreks. Samuti tulevad viimasesse planku aeruaugud. Lisaks tavapärasele Austrvegri esindusele olid abiks ka Eero ja Vares.

Mis puutub postituse pealkirja, siis agaralt käisid käed aga veel agaramalt käisid meestel lõuad ja kohalik pärimusfolkloor sai juurde pika ja värvika peatüki:)

Another weekend was spent building the ship. The last plank must be fitted carefully, as it will form the topside of the ship. Also the oarholes will be made into it. In addition to regular Austrvegr crew Eero and Vares were helping also.

About the headline, men were busy working, but even busier talking and local folklore was made up on the spot and got a new and colorful addition:)

Rohkem pilte siin / More photos here

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